Fatality Accident
On August 22, 2019 at 7:00 a.m., the Lincoln County 911 Center received a report of a two vehicle collision at mile marker 69 on U.S. Highway 83 (approximately five miles south of Lake Maloney). It was reported a passenger vehicle collided head on with a semi-truck.
First responders from North Platte Rescue and Frontier County Rescue along with Deputies and State Troopers all responded to the area. Deputies found the highway was completely blocked by the collision. Deputies pronounced the lone female driver of the passenger vehicle deceased at the scene. The driver and passenger of the semi-truck were uninjured.
Accident Reconstructionists from the Sheriff’s Office and State Patrol examined the scene. Preliminary investigation revealed the passenger vehicle was northbound passing another vehicle. The passenger car was traveling completely in the southbound lane and failed to yield or see the approaching semi-truck and collided. The weather at the time was extremely foggy; witness believed the accident was fog related.
Drugs and Alcohol do not appear to be a factor. The Sheriff’s Office will not release names of the drivers out of respect for the families today.