Sutherland Women Arrested for Theft

On August 6, 2018, Investigators with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office received information of a possible embezzlement case. Investigators were informed the Hershey / Sutherland “Hershland” American Legion Post 279 Baseball League was missing a large sum of money.

Investigators contacted a local Forensic Accountant who assisted with the investigation. It became very clear to investigators and the Forensic Accountant the organization was missing money over the last two years in excess of $38,000.00.

The person solely in charge of the organizations finances was identified as forty-four year old Sutherland resident Robin Hiatt. Attempts to speak with Ms. Hiatt about discrepancies were ignored.

On September 12, 2018, Investigators with assistance of Keith County Sheriff’s Office executed an Arrest Warrant on Ms. Hiatt for Felony Theft by Unlawful Taking Over $5000.00. Ms. Hiatt was incarcerated at the Lincoln County Detention Center. The case remains under investigation and further charges are pending.

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