Mikoloyck Animal Abuse

Over the last several weeks, Deputies continued to investigate the abuse of livestock on several different areas of rural Lincoln County. During the investigation information was gained that numerous cattle, horses and other livestock were not being taken cared for. of. Deputies, with the help of the Nebraska Brand Inspectors Office and Nebraska State Patrol Aircraft completed an investigative search warrant to inspect the livestock on at least five sections of property under the control and operated by Larry and Matthew Mikoloyck of rural Lincoln County.

Deputies and Brand Inspectors found over one hundred fifty dead cattle on the property March 1, 2023. Also observed numerous sick and dying cattle including Bulls, Cows and Calves. Deputies observed very little substantial food sources for the animals and no water to sustain most of the herd.

On March 1, 2023, Deputies arrested seventy-five-year-old Larry Mikoloyck and his son forty-one-year-old Matthew Mikoloyck, for one-hundred fifty counts of Animal Cruelty / Neglect resulting in Death, a class IIIA felony for each offense. Both were incarcerated in the Lincoln County Detention Center.

On March 2, 2023, Deputies from Lincoln County, with the help of Nebraska Brand Inspectors, served a warrant to seize all the cattle on properties under control of the Mikoloycks. Deputies were assisted by the Logan County, Thomas County Sheriff’s Office, and the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Posse. In addition, numerous subjects from Lincoln and Logan County assisted Deputies and we are grateful for their hard work.

Deputies did seize and transported over one thousand: Bulls, Cows and Calves to the North Platte Sale Barn for inspection by a licensed Veterinarian. Numerous cattle had to be put down on scene as they were very sick, injured and dying.

The investigation continues today and additional charges for Larry and Matthew Mikoloyck will be forthcoming.

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